Ofsted Inspection 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
As you may be aware Ofsted visited our school on 12th/ 13th September to carry out an inspection, our first since June 2017 and the first under their revised Inspection Framework. They examined all aspects of the school and met with pupils, staff and governors, as well as analysing the feedback on the online parent survey. Our inspectors recognised many strengths in our school and as a result Grove Wood retains its Outstanding grade; amongst many positives, they highlighted:
- The attitude of the children and their enthusiasm when talking about their school
- The exceptional kindness and care that they show to each other and their staff
- Pupils’ exemplary behaviour
- The scope and breadth of the curriculum, especially extra-curricular opportunities
- The exceptional provision for pupils’ wellbeing
- The pupils, parents, staff and the school are part of a close and remarkably caring community. In verbal feedback to the members of the Governing Body and the Senior Leadership Team following the inspection, the lead inspector said of Grove Wood that it is a community unlike anything that she has ever experienced
Following this inspection, Ofsted will return within 1-2 years in order to carry out a further full inspection which will focus in particular on two specific areas for improvement that they have identified. You will find the full report attached.
As a school we are exceptionally proud of our pupils, their enthusiasm and their engagement with the wider life of our school. The leadership team, governors and every member of staff remain fully committed to continuing to develop in order that we provide our pupils with the very best learning opportunities, experiences and memories.
I would like to thank all of the parents/carers for your continued support for our school and especially to those of you who were able to complete the Ofsted Parent View survey (I understand that due to an error on the website, many of you were unable to leave free text feedback). My thanks must also go to the enormously talented team of staff who work so hard with your children every day to provide them with memories to treasure; to our dedicated Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body who are constantly looking at new and exciting ways to improve our school and make things happen. Finally, to your amazing children who make Grove Wood the great place it is!
Yours sincerely
Mr Green
Please click here for the full report.
Ofsted Parentview
Ofsted have an online version of the school parent questionnaire that can be accessed and completed by parents at any time. At Grove Wood we actively encourage our parents to share their views with the school and we ask that you take time to complete the short registration and answer the questions. The results of the questionnaire will appear on the Ofsted website for Ofsted and be available to any other parents looking at the school.
Please click on the following link to access the online form: http://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/