Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445

Design & Technology

Design & Technology

Design and technology

Design and Technology Vision Statement

Design and Technology Curriculum

At Grove Wood, we strive to provide Design and Technology lessons that are inspiring, thorough and practical which the children will greatly enjoy. The curriculum encourages children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and part of a team. At Grove Wood we encourage children to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems with a variety of contexts. Children learn how to take risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.


 ‘Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how is works.’ 

Steve Jobs



Our Curriculum Intent is for pupils to know more, do more and learn more. The design technology curriculum promotes curiosity and a love and thirst for learning. It is ambitious and empowers our children to become independent and resilient

We want to equip them with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the design technology National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life

Our Design and Technology curriculum is built around the areas mechanisms, structures, food and nutrition, understanding materials, textiles and systems. Each unit promotes the test, plan, make and evaluate process.


 What do we teach?


Creating with materials (Including junk modelling)- safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. Children will also share their creations, explaining the process they have used.
Range of materials - Why did you choose that? Can you explain your thinking?  Why do you think that worked / didn’t work? What could you use instead?
Tools and fixings - Which fixing shall we use for this job and why? Which tools will you use? Can you explain your choices?  How can we stay safe while we are doing this?
Discussion and evaluation - Tell me about how you fixed xxx to xxx? Can you tell me about the materials you chose to use for your vehicle (linked to William Bee) and why?  What are you pleased about? What could you make even better? Why?

Year 1

Mechanisms - How can you make a picture move?

Structures - How can you stop a tower from toppling over?

Food and nutrition - How does food affect your senses?

Food and nutrition - Why are vegetables the best?

Understanding materials - Can you build with bread?

Textiles - How can two squares of fabric keep you warm?

Year 2

Mechanisms - Are bigger wheels always better?

Structures - How strong is a piece of paper?

Food and nutrition - What does healthy mean?

Food and nutrition - How healthy is your food?

Understanding materials - How can you waterproof a hat?

Textiles - How can you repurpose an item of clothing?

Year 3

Mechanisms - How can you do a lot of work with little effort.

Structures - What makes a bridge strong?

Food and nutrition - What do we mean by a balanced diet?

Food and nutrition - How does food affect your body and mind?

Systems - How are things powered?

Textiles - How can you make a box out of cloth?

Year 4

Mechanisms - How many ways are there to open a door?

Structures - Which shapes will give a structure stability?

Food and nutrition - What's really in your food?

Food and nutrition - Is cheap food always worse for you?

Systems - How useful are switches?

Textiles - How do you keep a tea towel from slipping off a hook?

Year 5

Mechanisms - How can you lift a car onto a roof?

Structures - How are frames strengthened, reinforced and made rigid?

Food and nutrition - Why are our diets so different?

Food and nutrition - What can you learn from different cultures diets?

Systems - How can we keep ourselves safe on the road?

Textiles - Which fabric is ideal for creating a functional and hardwearing lunchbag?

Year 6

Mechanisms - How do pulleys and gears let you see the world?

Structures - How strong is a piece of spaghetti?

Food and nutrition - Can street food save us?

Food and nutrition - Does food affect the way you feel?

Systems - Can switches perform more than one function?

Textiles - How can we reduce, recycle and repurpose?

An example of Design and Technology work in Year 5

How do pupils learn?

Each unit includes has an overview for teachers which details a question that pupils will be studying, prior knowledge, skills to be taught and common misconceptions. 

Dual coded knowledge organisers contain core information for children to easily access and use as a point of reference and as a means of retrieval practice.  

Teaching and learning resources are provided for class teachers so they can focus their time on subject knowledge and task design.  Knowledge notes are an elaboration in the core knowledge found in knowledge organisers. 


How do we know what children have learned?


Pupil Book Study

Talking to teachers

Low stakes ‘Drop-in’ observations/ Learning walks

Quizzing and retrieval practise

Feedback in lessons

Progress in book matches the curriculum intent

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