Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445


Year 6 Teaching Staff 2023/2024


Mr Pascoe Mrs Marney Mrs Anderson Mrs Taylor
6DP 6 MA 6LT


Mrs Snelling  Mrs Esqulant Mrs Day


Year 6 PE will be on Tuesday afternoons

Today in Maths Mrs Snelling's class have been helping the rest of Y6 to accurately measure angles with protractors

Y6 have been undertaking fun Design Technology experiments this afternoon!
The design question was: How strong is a piece of spaghetti? 
They worked in groups conducting investigations to find out if three strands of spaghetti, spanning a gap between
two objects of equal height, can bear the load of a weighted cup. They found ways to increase the load-bearing properties of the spaghetti, such as applying compression to either end and explored the effects of binding the spaghetti in different ways. They also had to devise a way to test the strength of spaghetti that is positioned vertically, using polystyrene

Y6 have been investigating shadows - an object blocking the light source - the absence of light. They have planned an investigation into whether the brightness of a torch effects the strength of the shadow.

In science today Y6 have been investigating how light travels

In Y6 the children have been designing and making Winter Wonderland themed ferris wheels with a gear system - they have been sourcing materials and actually measuring, using saws, drills, glue guns and problem solving to make working wheels that fit the design brief.

In Y6 this afternoon we have carried out a science investigation into the sugar content of popular drinks and we have been surprised by some of the results. Some fruit juices have so much more sugar in than we expected, and it was shocking to weigh it out in grams and compare with fizzy drinks which we thought would have more. We also talked about other additives in these drinks and what are healthy choices.

In Maths this week, Y6 have dividing numbers using short division, factors and explaining our reasoning. Today we have been outside on a maths trail solving problems  involving multiplication and division.

In part of our English this week, we have been looking at playscripts and performing them. We've seen contrasting characters and how they could misjudge each other; the older generation totally underestimated the younger!

In Y6 we are studying the Physics topic of Electricity - building on our work from Y4.  We have discussed the power source giving energy to the electrons that makes them move around the circuit. We've sorted materials into electrical conductors and insulators. We've accurately drawn circuit diagrams with correct symbols and today we are planning and carrying out an investigation into the effect of adding more bulbs to a series circuit. 

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