Grove Wood Primary School

Grove Wood Primary School

Strive Positivity Achieve Respect Kindness

Grove Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8UA

01268 743445



The Chair of Governors is Mr. Guy Blakesley; he can be contacted by writing to him at Grove Wood Primary School, Grove Road, Rayleigh SS6 8UA.

The Vice-Chair of Governors is Mrs. Michelle Heathcote.

Mr, Matthew Barnes is Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee.





Appointed by



Graham John Pritchard

Elected by parents

29 Sep 2021

1 June 25

Martin John Barney

Appointed by Academy Members

1 June 2019

25 April 25

Matthew Barnes

Appointed by Academy Members

1 April 2019

25 April 25

Michelle Heathcote

Appointed by GB/board

1 March 2023

1 March 27

Naomi Pitt

Appointed by Academy Members

1 April 2019

25 April 25

Rich Green

Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal

1 July 2014

1 July 29

Sarah Elizabeth Fernon

Appointed by Academy Members

1 April 2019

25 April 25

Guy Blakesley

Appointed by Academy Members

1 March 2023

1 March 27

Ryan Lupton

Appointed by Academy Members

1 May 2024

1 May 28

Kathryn Fenwick

Appointed by Academy Members

1 May 2024

1 May 28


Meetings of Governors (Directors)


Governors (Directors) aim to meet at a Full Board Meeting 6 times per year. In addition there is a Risk & Audit Committee. The Risk and Audit Committee meets as and when required. All Governors are eligible to attend all meetings.

The functions of the Boards are: 

  • In consultation with the School Business Manager and Headteacher, to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year.
  • To approve the budget on behalf of the Board, if in exceptional circumstance, it is not possible to convene a full Board of Governors (BoG) final budget approval meeting prior to the deadline for budget submission.
  • To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan.
  • To consider and evaluate a budget position statement including virement decisions at least termly and to report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the Board of Governors.
  • To ensure that the school operates within the Financial guidelines of the Academies Finance Handbook and the Academies Accounts Direction.
  • To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Board of Governors.
  • To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
  • To make decisions in respect of service agreements.
  • To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees.
  • To ensure, as far as is practical, that that Health and Safety issues are appropriately prioritised.
  • To determine whether sufficient funds are available for pay increments as recommended by the Headteacher.
  • In light of the Headteacher performance management Group’s recommendations, to determine whether sufficient funds are available for increments.
  • To advise the Board of Governors on priorities, including Health and safety, for the maintenance and development of the school’s premises.
  • To have oversight of the Asset Management Plan.
  • To monitor and review and evaluate all aspects of maintenance, improvement or repair to the buildings, grounds and plant.
  • To ensure that the character of the school’s buildings and site are retained.
  • In consultation with the Headteacher and the Finance portfolio, to oversee premises-related funding bids.
  • To monitor and approve appropriate expenditure relating to Capital Grants.
  • To appoint architects, builders, ground maintenance teams, surveyors etc. according to the established procedures laid down by the school Governors and monitor all aspects of their work.
  • To oversee arrangement, including health and safety, for the use of the school premises by outside users, subject to Governing Body Policy.
  • To report all aspects of improvement and requirements for the smooth running of the school in relation to the premises to Governors.
  • To make recommendations to the finance portfolio on the needs and requirements of the premises.
  • To receive reports from the Site Manager and, through the Board, delegate powers for day-to-day matters for the Headteacher. To draft and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and the Finance Committee.
  • To approve procedure for recruitment and appointment of staff.
  • To consider applications from staff for secondments or leave of absence.
  • To oversee the process leading to staff reductions.
  • To follow established procedure when advertising, selecting and appointing new members of staff.
  • To make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Finance Committee.
  • To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and wellbeing, including the monitoring of absence.
  • To draft and recommend for adoption, the procedures for dealing with discipline and grievance.
  • To establish and review a Performance Management policy for all staff.
  • To establish and review Pay Policy for all staff.
  •  To consider and advise the Board of Governors on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the school’s curriculum policy.
  • To consider all detailed matters related to the pupils’ well-being.
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for Assets and or Standards portfolios and to make recommendations to the relevant portfolio holders of the BoG.
  • To ensure as far as possible that the Governing Body is represented at School Improvement discussions between the Headteacher and the School Improvement Partner and for reports to be received by the Board of Governors where appropriate.
  • To be aware of and note the arrangements for the individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy, Numeracy at the strategic (i.e. Board) level. To receive regular reports from them and for them to champion their area of provision for the Board.
  • To be aware of arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-ordinator .
  • To ensure that robust mechanisms are in place to communicate with staff, pupils, parents and local community, promoting a proactive approach to open, two way communication.
  • To explore options for the on-going development of extended schools, in partnership with other local schools and agencies.
  • To promote corporate social responsibility by the school and its pupils, in particular the sustainability agenda.


Click here for the attendance record of the Governors 2022/2023

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